Train-O-Ree - Continuing Education for Leaders

These courses are a supplemental training opportunity for all adult Scout leaders. All of these continuing education courses enable our volunteers to learn how to better serve our youth and work with our fellow leaders.
Calling ALL Adult Scouters
Are you a NEW leader? Would you like to expand your Scouting knowledge? Looking for a great way to network and gain additional tips, tools, and resources across a wide array of Scouting aspects to further enhance your Scouting skills? Sign up NOW to learn more about the following classes.
WHEN: Saturday, February 10, 2024 (11:00 AM to 2:00 PM)
Check-in: 10:45 AM
Classes Begin: 11:00 AM
WHERE: Shenandoah Area Council Office (107 Youth Development Court, Winchester, VA 22602)
List of Training Classes
- 11 AM - 12 PM (Sat, Feb 10): Scout Leader Talk Shop
- 1 PM - 2 PM (Sat, Feb 10): Arrow of Light to Troop Transition
*We are offering monthly adult continuing education courses on the second Saturday of each month. If you would like to suggest a topic or teach a specific topic and open it up to Scouters across our council, please contact Stephanie Short.