Reporting Service Hours

What is the Journey to Excellence Service Project?
Who: All Scouting groups are encouraged to participate in this service project initiative.
What: This is a time for all Scouting groups to conduct meaningful, visible service projects of their choice in their communities. You are encouraged to discuss and choose your projects with the help of your Scouts, committee, and chartered organization.
Where: Service projects can be done for your chartered organization or for the cause of your choice. Projects done in collaboration with other organizations are highly recommended.
When: Projects may be conducted at any time.
Why: Scouting was founded on the premise of doing a Good Turn daily. Community service is very important in the character-building process and, as Scouts, we have made the commitment to give back to our communities.
How: You should select a service project coordinator. After making the commitment to participate, your Scouts and committee should decide on and begin planning the project.
Recording Service Hours
Service hours and other unit activities are now recorded in Internet Advancement. Please watch the video below for a tutorial on how to register for your service project. Only authorized users for your unit can enter this information.