Scouts BSA Ages 11-17

Scouts BSA is one of the premier youth development organizations in the United States. In scouting, your child will learn useful skills through hands-on learning that will benefit them their entire life. Developing leadership skills, environmental conservation, community service, and character development are just some of the qualities your scout will develop in Scouts BSA!

Scouts BSA is an outdoor program designed to develop character, citizenship, leadership, and fitness for young men and women ages 11 through 17. Scouting helps youth develop into well-rounded young adults.

The Eagle Scout Rank, the highest rank in Scouting, is recognized around the world as a mark of excellence and is available for all Scouts BSA members to earn.

Scouts can take part in many camping opportunities within their troop, including at the Atlanta Area Council's camps and at the National High Adventure Bases.

In Scouts BSA, youth take responsibility for the activities of the Troop. By planning and organizing activities, they develop teamwork and learn to lead as well as follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Scouting Work?

Scouts join either a boys troop or a girls troop. Scouts BSA is a youth-led organization. The troop is made up of patrols of usually 4-6 scouts (maybe more in a larger troop). Each patrol is led by a scout who is elected as Patrol leader by the other scouts in the Patrol. In a youth-led troop the Patrol Leaders Council will determine the activities that the troop will do like camping, hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking, backpacking, caving, climbing, service projects, individual advancement work, and more – supported by adult leader advisors. Troops meet every week typically and most months will have a camping trip or other outdoor activity. 

Who Leads the Troop?

The youth leadership is headed by the Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. Each patrol is lead by a Patrol Leader and Assitance Patrol leader. Each troop has adult leadership in the form of the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters who help guide the troop. The adults are there to mentor and guide, the youth lead. In addition to the Scoutmasters, troops need serval other adult leader roles such as committee members to help guide the Scouts' experience in Scouts BSA. 

How Much Does Scouting Cost?

Currently, the national fee for membership is $80 per year, and an additional $15 per year for the optional subscription to Scout Life magazine, plus an additional $6 insurance fee. There is also a one-time $25 joining fee. These fees go to BSA National the Scout unit and the local BSA Council do not keep any of that money. The cost for the local Troop you join varies depending on the unit and the activities they do. Many troops do monthly activities such as camping trips that have food, travel, supplies, activity fees, and location costs. Many troops do fundraisers to help offset that cost. 

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