NRA Rifle Instructor Training Course

What: NRA Rifle Instructor Training Course

When: November 11 - 13, 2022

Where: Camp Rock Enon

Cost: $250.00 Per Participant

Includes: Coursework, Lunch, Snacks, Coffee/Water

Optional Meal Plan for additional $30.00 (Includes Friday Dinner, Saturday Breakfast, Saturday Dinner, and Sunday Breakfast)

Camping onsite available with a limited number of hard shelter bunks.


NRA Instructor Rifle Shooting Course

This training will include the NRA Basics of Rifle Shooting, NRA Basic Instructor Training and the NRA Rifle Instructor training and is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation. Course topics include gun safety rules, proper operation of rifles (all types), ammunition knowledge and selection, Rifle selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, Rifle inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and shooting range safety. Additionally, students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range with an NRA Certified Instructors. Students will receive all course materials prior to the course and are expected to complete the written tests before the class begins. Discount for registered Scouts BSA leaders.

Please note that this course is a BIT course.


  • NRA Range Safety Officer Instructor Training
    January 12, 2025