Unit Recharter

Internet Charter Renewal 2.0
The Boy Scouts of America offers an online charter renewal process for units. Recently, this process was moved to improve systems and increase speed and efficiency in processes. Located at https://advancements.scouting.org, the new Internet Recharter system provides a more simplistic approach to the rechartering process and can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands.
Major Access Change
A few of the biggest changes in the rechartering process is that this will be the only way to recharter your unit and only Key 3 Leaders will have access— this includes the Chartered Organization Representative (COR), Committee Chair, and Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/Crew Advisor/Exploring Advisor. In the past, Units received an access code that they could share with anyone in their Unit who was completing the recharter. Beginning in 2022, you will NOT receive an access code; instead, access will be determined by the Unit role. Only Key 3 Leaders will have the option to enter the Internet Rechartering portal and process the recharter.
COR Delegate
If you wish for another registered Unit Leader (perhaps a Committee Member or Assistant Scoutmaster/Cubmaster) to complete the recharter on your behalf, you have the option of assigning a COR DELEGATE to have your permissions within the system. This does not change their position or yours; it simply gives them additional permissions. If you need to assign a COR delegate, it’s best to do this now ahead of the recharter, so your Unit is ready to go. Keep in mind that selecting a COR delegate allows access to the entire system and stays in effect until a change is made. It does not just allow that person access to the Internet Rechartering system and does not end when the recharter process is completed. This person will also have access to everyone’s private information (except for SS#’s).
Assigning a delegate is a simple step done online; see instructions here: https://www.scouting.org/resources/online-registration/
Click on the video below for a tutorial on assigning delegates and functional roles within the My.Scouting.org system: https://vimeo.com/551541655.
Leadership Changes
Sometimes roles change during the year within the Unit functionality, and occasionally this change is not communicated to the Council. The Chartered Organization Representative or their delegate can go into their My.Scouting.org system and make these leadership changes between currently registered unit volunteers and no application is required. The only position that you cannot change throughout the year is your Chartered Organization Representative position; this must be made through the Council. If your Unit has leadership changes throughout the year please inform the Scout office so we have current unit contact information.
Recharter Info, Council Specific
All charters, applications, charter agreements, JTE, and payments must be finalized and are due to the Council Office by Friday, November 1, 2024. Please be sure to “Be Prepared” and “Do Your Best” to submit it on time. A delay in submission to the Council may mean that you do not get rechartered on time and will affect your unit’s and members’ tenure.
Potomac District - Unit Recharter is DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Shawnee District - Unit Recharter is DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Shenrapawa District - Unit Recharter is DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Mason Dixon District - Unit Recharter is DUE no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024.
Training Session
Great news! We plan to conduct a training session during our Council Roundtable on August 8, 2024, at 7 p.m. Please join us via Zoom.
Annual Unit Charter Agreement (Effective March 2024 – March 2025)
Additional Disclosures & Background Check Authorization Form (NOT CALIFORNIA)
Unit Journey to Excellence Scorecards
File Name | Description | |
2025 SAC Recharter Instructions | This is for the Unit Recharter DUE BY November 1, 2024. | Download |
Individual Registration Renewal Instructions (Paid by Unit) | Instructions for Individual Registration Renewal Paid for by the unit using either National’s online system or by bringing payment into either shop location. | Download |
Updating your Unit Pin | Updating your Unit Pin via My.Scouting.org for BeAScout.org. | Download |
Orientation Video: Unit and Membership Renewal
Charter Renewal Change rev 3 from Boy Scouts of America on Vimeo.
Assigning Functional Roles in Postion Manager from Boy Scouts of America on Vimeo.