Unit Promotions

How to Use Google and Facebook to Promote Your Unit
How do I create a community facebook page?
There are different kinds of pages on facebook. Most people have individual pages for everyday use. Businesses and organizations have pages with a broader set of tools. Community pages for units have features like calendars and communications tools that allow them to create and promote events and reach a broader audience. These pages are ideal for unit promotion.
Note: To create a ‘Community’ Nonprofit page, at the link above, select the box on the top row, center column titled Company, Organization or Institution, and follow the prompts.
How to Boost an Event on Facebook?
Boosting an event let’s you promote an event to specific people, in a specific geographic area and at a specific time period. Once you have an event set up on you community facebook page, it’s easy to boost the event to even more people.
How do I create or name a site on Google?
Research shows that parents use search and facebook to find and learn about organizations and activities for their children. Make sure they can find your unit by creating a web page through Google sites.
How do I put my unit on Google Maps?
Put yourself on the map with Google maps. It’s easy and it’s free.
Add or edit business information on Maps
Note: If you built your site with Google Sites (Google’s web site building tool) go to the Sites page for your unit, and look for Map under Embeds. Select Map and follow the prompts.
How do I promote my Scouting unit with Google Search?
Use Google AdWords. Here’s the link to their simple step-by-step process for helping families find your Scouting unit using search. It’s easy, affordable and let’s you target the audiences you most want to reach. Find out more here:
How to us the ADOPT-A-SCHOOL program to promote your scouting unit in a school?
Using the Adopt-A-School program we can build relationships with the schools, principles, and the surounding community. Personal Contact is the #1 reason people join, volunteer or donate in any organization. The Adopt-A-School helps promote scouting by getting people to talk about what the scouts are doing in the community. For more information please go here: https://adoptaschool.scouting.org/ Or to Register your unit please go HERE