Cub Scout Pack Camping

Taking your Cub Scout Pack on a weekend camp out is one of the best ways for your Scouts to have fun and your families to start learning Scouting’s outdoor program. But before you start making your grocery shopping list or packing your gear, there are a few things you need to do first.
Cub Scout Pack Overnight Camping
Effective Sept. 1, 2023, Cub Scout Packs who are conducting a unit overnight camping activity may now camp for up to two consecutive nights.
Approved Locations
Cub Scout Pack Overnight Camping and Webelos/Arrow of Light Den Camping is limited to Shenandoah Area Council properties, Camp Rock Enon and Camp Sinoquipe, and council-designated locations with appropriate facilities. Cub Scout Packs that would like to camp at locations not yet approved by the Shenandoah Area Council must first submit a Pack Overnight Campout Site Appraisal Request so the council camping committee can conduct a site assessment prior to your Pack Overnight event.
Trained Leaders
Cub Scout Packs who are conducting unit overnight camping activities must continue to have at least one registered adult leader who is trained in Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), oversees the planning, and is in attendance for the pack campout. This updated policy also applies to Webelos and Arrow of Light dens which may conduct den-coordinated campouts.
Hazardous Weather Training is also required of all adult leaders who take their pack camping and can be accessed at At least one adult present has this training.
All adults attending the campout as leaders must have a paid adult registration in the BSA. The only exception is a Cub Scout parent or legal guardian with no leadership responsibilities over any other youth. (link to the Guide to Safe Scouting > YPT).
Safety Moment
All activities must be age-appropriate. (link to the Age-Appropriate Guidelines for Scouting Activities)
You must follow guidelines specifically for Cub Scout Unit-Coordinated Camping (link to the Guide for Safe Scouting > Camping).
Leaders are to provide a risk assessment for all unit-coordinated camping and activities following the S.A.F.E. checklist. The Shenandoah Area Council recommends Cub Scout tent camping not occur in less than 32-degree weather.
Only Webelos and Arrow of Light Dens may conduct den-coordinated campouts.
Guidelines for Cub Scout Unit-Coordinated Camping
- Cub Scout camping is limited to their council’s designated locations with appropriate facilities.
- Units can request from their council a site appraisal but cannot do their own appraisal.
- Cub Scout pack unit coordinated camping is limited to no more than two consecutive nights.
- Cub Scout camping is a family-centric program.
- Cub Scout youth may tent with a parent or guardian as outlined in Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse.
- Cub Scout youth should attend the camping event with their parent(s)/ guardian(s).
- Lions and Tigers must have their adult partner present to take part.
- For all other ranks: only in exceptional circumstances, a Cub Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a unit overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of another registered adult member of the BSA, a parent of a Cub Scout who is also attending. The unit leader and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply. At no time may another adult accept responsibility for more than one additional “non-family member” youth.
- Webelos and Arrow of Light Den Camping: Each Scout should attend with their parent(s) or guardian(s). A Webelos or Arrow of Light Scout whose parent or legal guardian cannot attend a den overnight camping trip may participate under the supervision of at least two registered leaders. The leaders and a parent or legal guardian must agree to the arrangement, and all Youth Protection policies apply.
- Only Webelos and Arrow of Light dens may conduct den-coordinated campouts. Webelos and Arrow of Light den coordinated campouts are restricted to no more than two consecutive nights. Den camping only includes the Webelos or Arrow of Light youth. As with pack-coordinated campouts, the den must have a BALOO-trained adult leader in attendance and all Youth Protection policies apply.
- Webelos/Arrow of Light Den Camping may participate and camp at a Scouts BSA troop unit campout if the following conditions are met.
- All Cub Scout camping requirements above still apply, including the den must have a BALOO-trained adult leader in attendance and all Youth Protection policies apply.
- The Cub Scout Pack and Scouts BSA Troop are with the same chartered organization. If not, the Scouts BSA Troop (or hosting Unit) must request permission from the Shenandoah Area Council Camping Committee.
- Webelos/Arrow of Light Dens may only participate at a Scouts BSA “Camporee” as day visitors. No Overnight Camping.
For more Scouting Safely Awareness when Camping, visit
Council Approved Locations
*Locations will be added as they are approved. Site appraisals expire two years from the data of review.
Get your Campsite Approved for Cub Scout Camping
Step 1 - Complete the Pack Overnight Campout Site Appraisal Request below.
Step 2 - Please allow up to 3 weeks for your Site Appraisal Request to be reviewed.
File Name | Description | |
Pack Overnight Campout Site Appraisal Form | For Council Camping Committee to use during their site assessment. Cub Scout Packs to request approval to camp at locations that have not yet been designated as SAC-approved camping locations for Cub Scout Packs. | Download |