Golf Tournament 2024


Jun 19, 2024 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm



Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club
456 Shadows Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630
Location Phone: (540) 631-9661


Tickets and Sponsorships are available at


46th Annual Shenandoah Area Council Golf Tournament

This year's tournament...

Join us in the mission of Scouting and a day of outdoor adventure. Help the Shenandoah Area Council, BSA chip away at the cost of Scouting! Select from various sponsorship levels as well as participate in a Captain's Choice 4-person team event. Sponsorship levels range from $100 to $2,500.

Participation - $100 per player (*Includes Greens Fee, Cart, Shirt, Lunch, Awards, and Door Prizes)

Lunch - 12:00 PM
Check-In - No later than 12:30 PM
Tee Off - 1:00 PM Shotgun start

Why Support Us?

The Shenandoah Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, Inc. has long been a leader in our 12-county area. The council makes a difference in the lives of young men and women each week instilling the principles of the Scout Oath and Law at all age levels. We are currently serving more than 2,300 young men and women within the Northern Shenandoah Valley. These young people are encouraged under the leadership of over 1,400 qualified and fully trained Scout Leaders.

We provide high-quality programming, assistance, and nationally accredited facilities. The continuation of these high-quality programs and facilities requires ever-increasing costs. To be able to accomplish the aims of Scouting and help finance this local quality Scouting program, we invite your participation and/or sponsorship of the Annual Boy Scout Golf Tournament.

Our board leadership takes great pride in that 92% goes directly back into programs and only 8% into general management costs. Thank You for your support in developing better citizens.

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2024 Golf Tournament Flyer-Entry Form Download