Cub Scout Program for Youth (Grades K-5)

Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning, and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action. The Cub Scout program is for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade.
2023 Cub Onboarding Update 6242024 from Boy Scouts of America on Vimeo.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does Cub Scouts Work?
Cub Scouts is for boys and girls, kindergarten through fifth grade. Each Cub Scout is a member of a Den. Dens are a small group of 6-10 kids around the same age from your area. Packs consist of one or more dens for each age group. The dens meet regularly for den activities and typically once a month the entire Pack has a joint activity. The activities include rank advancements (earning awards for their Cub Scout rank), fun trips and activities, service projects, and learning skills that will be useful for a lifetime. The family packs have dens for both boys and girls and some packs are for only boys or only girls.
How Much Does Scouting Cost?
Currently, the national fee for membership is $85 per year, and an additional $15 per year for the optional subscription to Scout Life magazine, plus an additional $6 insurance fee. There is also a one-time $25 joining fee. These fees go to BSA National, and the Scout unit and the local BSA Council do not keep any of that money. The cost for the local Pack you join varies depending on the unit and the activities they do and can range between $50 and $150 (estimated) per year, depending on your unit. Many packs do fundraisers to help offset that cost.
Who Leads the Pack?
The pack leadership is comprised of volunteers. All volunteers go through annual background checks and are required to keep their youth protection training up-to-date and they go through a curriculum of training classes to teach them how to deliver the great scouting program that their children will enjoy and grow from. All packs need more volunteers! will you be the next person to step up and join the fun of being a Cub Scout Leader?
What is my child in other activities also?
No problem! Scout works great with other programs. Scouting is a 12-month program so if your child misses a few weeks for a sport or other interest, scouting will still be there for them when they are done!