
Watch #CubChatLive every Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Facebook Live or YouTube for useful tips, tricks, and ideas to help your Cub Scout Pack.
To learn more about #CubChatLive or view past episodes visit:
Upcoming Episodes
Some episodes geared specifically towards the NEW Cub Scout Program Rollout that takes effect June 1, 2024.
- Dec. 1: The Cub Scout Bobcat requirement is changing, and we have the details.
- Dec. 8: It’s Pinewood Derby season! We'll talk about what we've seen that works, and what doesn't work when conducting one of the most popular events of the Cub Scout year.
- Jan 12: New and Improved Adventures
- Feb 2: Webelos and Arrow of Light
- Mar 1: Handbook and Leader Resources
- Apr 5: Den and Pack Meetings
- May 10: Top 10 Most Common Questions
- June 7: Safety Integration
Below are some of the many past episodes.
- Nov 17: How the Cub Scout committee uses research, surveys, and data to make program decisions.
- Nov 10: Join us as we officially reveal the updates to the Cub Scout program!
- Oct 20: How Scoutbook can help keep your Cub Scout pack organized
- Oct 13: How can packs best use the website?
- Oct 6: Welcoming new leaders to Cub Scouts
- Sep 15: Updated Cub Scout Camping Guidelines
- Sep 1: New recharter process
- Aug 25: Ideas for Cub Scout Joining Night
- Aug 4: All about the new BSA's Fee Structure