COVID Resources and Information

Here are the latest updates concerning the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus disease and its impact on our Scouting operations here in the Shenandoah Valley.
Updated March 2021
Updated April 24, 2020
Memo about CRE Summer Camp 2020
Health & Safety Letter about CRE Summer Camp 2020
New Advancement Updates Posted on the BSA COVID-19 FAQ
Communication Sent out about Advancement
Application for Eagle Extension
Communication Sent Out April 8, 2020
Armstrong Scout Service Center hours and operation:
The Armstrong Scout Service Center, Scout Shop and Camp Rock Enon are closed until further notice. The SAC Staff is still here to support Scouting. Likewise, council governance will continue. Some of our office staff will be working from home and email is the recommended form of outreach with any questions.
In general, documentation may be submitted to the SAC via:
- Emailed directly to the staff personnel
- A physical dropbox unit in the front of the Armstrong Scout Service Center doors
- Snail mail: 107 Youth Development Court; Winchester, VA 22602
- When the order is placed and pulled, we will call you with payment information and we will leave your package available for pick up.
- You may drop any physical documents you to submit for Scouting business or Eagle projects in the mail slot in the front door of the Scout Shop.
Council/District/Unit activities & meetings:
- As federal officials have recommended, no gatherings of 10 or more people, all large-scale Council and District activities in this time period have already been or will soon be postponed. We strongly encourage units and their chartered organizations to follow suit.
- There will be no face-to-face staff and volunteer meetings at the Council and District level during this period; all such meetings should take place by phone or video call.
- Remember that any electronic communication involving a youth member must adhere to BSA's "two deep" leadership policies.
Additional program-related announcements:
Updated March 30, 2020
- As local councils and units use digital and online resources, such as video conferencing, to continue Scouting meetings, projects and advancement during the COVID-19 outbreak, the National Council is providing the following guidance.
- Scouts can continue working on advancement. Parents are allowed to sign off on the completion of Cub Scout Adventures and Webelos Arrow of Light requirements. Scouts BSA youth may be able to complete some merit badge requirements through electronic communication.
- General questions and answers about COVID-19's impact on BSA Advancement
- BSA has given local councils temporary authority to grant extensions for Scouts working on the Eagle Scout rank, Quartermaster rank, or Summit Award to complete all requirements if COVID-19 disruptions are the reason why the Scout can't finish requirements before his/her 18th/21st birthday.
- Boards of Review for Scouts BSA and Venturing advancement may be conducted by videoconferencing; see this post from Scouting Magazine with details.
- P.R.A.Y. has extended grade-level eligibility for Scouts to earn certain religious awards; learn more about that and ways to complete religious award requirements at home by watching this replay of P.R.A.Y.'s March Facebook Live broadcast.
- The World Organization of the Scout Movements will hold a "special edition" Jamboree on the Air/Jamboree on the Internet April 3-5.
Postponed or Cancelled Events |
Scouting at Home Ideas |
Stay Healthy & Safe |
Events & activities impacted by COVID-19 | Ideas and resources to help you while #ScoutAtHome | Tips & News to avoid getting sick from COVID-19 |
See the list of events | See our list of resources | Visit the CDC's website |
For Council Commissioners |
Helping Kids Cope with the Coronavirus |
From our Area 7 Commissioner | Tips on helping children understand what's happening | |
Read that here | Visit the Mayo Clinic's Website | |
File Name | Description | |
Communication Sent out about Advancement | Download | |
CRE COVID Letter 4/24/2020 | Download | |
CRE COVID Statement - Update March 2021 | Download | |
Digital Safety Advisory | Download | |
Health & Safety Letter about CRE Summer Camp 2020 | Download | |
SAC Eagle extension application 4/10/2021 | Download | |
SAC Statement on COVID 4/8/21 | Download |